Friday, January 8, 2010

January's Activities

Welcome 2010! Wow, the new year is here and I see that I actually have a follower and some commenters out there! It's exciting for me as the writer to see that someone has at least some interest in what I have to say. I guess I'll have to continue to ramble on about life on the road as a local crazy who still rides in these cold temps.
The cold this year has been worse than I can remember in a very long time. I started out the new year by riding with my dear freind Jamie Moon who braved the long roads of the SCride4life last summer as a new cyclist. We did a modest 25 miles of easy spinning out and around Pickens, SC. It was an enjoyable ride with not too much of the nasty cold getting to us.
I followed that up the next day with a freezing arctic blast with the Greenville Spinners on their First Fifty Ride that goes from Furman University to Table Rock State Park and back. I conned three of my great and dedicated cycling buddies, The Teets, to suffer with me. It was the first ride of that distance for Cindy, wife of my good friend Steven. I thought many times during the ride that if she had a gun I'd have payed with my life! She really did well though and my hat is off to her for persevereing along with us. The treat of the day was seeing George Hincapie out braving the cold along with us, it's good to have such a great cyclist in our area to draw inspiration from. He passed us with ease but took time enough to say "hi" as he passed by, he is one nice guy to be so accomplished. I don't know of any other professional athlete who would acknowlege his fans in such a common and freindly way while he was actually training, makes you feel included in a way.
I remember about an hour before we saw George, I was joking about training out in the cold and commented to Steven that I didn't see George out today, being sarcastic, and then just a bit later, there he was! I was later able to pry my foot out of my mouth, it was funny though.
I tried out a new gadget today that I am excited about! It is a USB sensor that allows infrared transfer of data from my Polar cycling HRM to the laptop and imports it into Polar's Pro Trainer 5 software. I thought it was cool to see in succession the last several days of training and the results in such a way. I enjoy following my training progress and seeing results! I have actually lost another two pounds this week, due to the ability to watch calorie burn and intake so closely.
If you want the ability to track and monitor your stats then Polar computers are the bomb! I have the CS400 and really like it. It tells me everything about my rides all the way down to the percents of grade and elevation, not to mention the physical stats given by the HRM. Cool stuff if you want to train right.
Well, thats all for now so until next time take care out there and keep pedaling away! Thanks again to all who read my stuff and keep the comments coming! I luvs my peeples! and to George, thanks for being you, you inspire us all! (Like he will see this!)

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