Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 5th Paris Mt. Swamp Rabbit adventure!

Our first climbing adventure started out in downtown Greenville at the Swamp Rabbit trailhead near the center of downdown. We headed north on the trail and spun our way to the Sunrift Adventures outfitter store in Travelers Rest. We stopped for a relief break and then headed south again. We had it in mind to divert to the Altamont Rd. route over Paris Mt. Jim and I were actually reluctant to do so but at the risk of being ridiculed severely by Stephen we did it anyway.
About half way up the climb I was well aware of why we were so reluctant, it was hard! This time of year isn't normally climbing time for me so I was feeling it bad along with my partner in pain Jim "The Package"(little inside joke). When I hit what they call "the wall" I stood up in the pedals and gave it all I had, which wasn't much. We finally made it to where Stephen and Stephen(Big Bird) were, Jim and I were cooked like grilled chicken! We made it though. We decided that there was some satisfaction in being 200lbs and still being able to climb in February. "Being able to climb", used very loosely here.
The descent began after we all stopped for the two pictures shown here as evidence that I am not a liar. I being a confident and normally fast downhiller tamed the steed due to wet sandy roads. Then it happened!
On the way down I noticed two other cyclists coming up the mountain seemingly as fast as we were going down. It was George Hincapie himself, all decked out in BMC glory with another guy(no disrespect intended to him, but we were descending)whom I didn't recognize. It was my 4th Big George encounter since my cycling began 5 years ago. Exciting stuff for a nobody like myself, and of course, the others...hahaha!
Our day came to an end after that when we safely arrived back at Stephens' truck. The day was a success, complete with a George encounter! What more could a flunkie ask for?

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